Tuesday, August 16, 2011

AcneFree Sensitive Skin Acne System

AcneFree Sensitive Skin Acne System

This review is from: AcneFree Sensitive Skin Acne System (Health and Beauty)
I am in my mid-40s and have been suffering from ever-worsening acne for some years. 
It was much worse than when I was in my teens, and had gotten to the point where I felt truly embarrassed about my skin. 
It was especially bad with the hormonal fluctuations of my menstrual cycle. 
I tried MANY different products, both over the counter and prescribed by my doctor. 
Nothing seemed to make the slightest difference. I had tried Pro-Active, as well -- nothing. 
Acne Free Sensitive has made a HUGE improvement in my skin! I won't say it is perfect all the time, but blemishes are much fewer, smaller and clear up much faster, without leaving a mark. 
It worked better when I started being fairly liberal with the step 3 (benzoil peroxide) cream. 
My one complaint is that you can't buy each product seperately.
 I don't need a lot of moisturizer, so I always have lots of that, 
but run out of the other things. Bottom line: I think everyone's skin is very individual, so this product may not work for you -- but lordy, 
I sure am grateful it has worked so well for me! Good luck.

AcneFree Sensitive Skin Acne System

Product Features

  • Attacks acne causing bacteria with patented time released Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid
  • 3 easy steps clinically proven to fight acne 24/7
  • Non irritating and non drying

AcneFree Sensitive Skin Acne System



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